Odstock Parish Council Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

This privacy policy and disclaimer contains important information about the documents published at www.sp5.org/odstock/opc/ - Please read it carefully.

The data and information on this website is provided without any warranty as to its accuracy and/or suitability for any particular purpose. There may be errors in the data and it may not be suitable for its intended purpose.

The content of this website is for the benefit of the residents of the villages of Odstock, Nunton and Bodenham. Whilst the website may be accessible to persons resident outside of the Parish boundaries, this does not imply that the Parish Council will provide any service mentioned on the website to such persons.

Odstock Parish Council, its employees, and/or agents, will not be liable for any damage caused by use of, or reliance upon, information and/or data published on, or arising out of the use of, this website.