Odstock Parish Council

Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual meeting of the Odstock Parish Council to be held in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham on Wednesday, 19th May 2004 following the Annual Parish meeting that will begin at 7:00pm.
Yours faithfully,

R P Parsons - Parish Clerk - Tel: 01794 341405 - www.sp5.org/odstock/opc/

AGENDA (final - updated on 15-May-2004)

To receive apologies

1: Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

2: Member appointments to Finance, Planning, Transport and external Committees.

3: To consider dates of forthcoming Parish Council evening meetings: * 15th September * 1st December
      * 19th January 2005 * 23rd March * 18th May.

4: To receive any Declaration of Interest.

5: To approve as a correct record Minutes of the Council meeting held on 24th March 2004.

6: Matters arising:
      * 28/04 - Noticeboard. * 29/04 - Bus Shelters. * 30/04 - Jubilee Gardens.
      * 31/04 - Youth Facilities and Development.

7: To consider how the Nunton Football Field will be managed following the Lease agreement.

8: Finance: * To consider and approve the PC's accounts for y/e March 2004.
      * To consider how to make best use of the SDC Community Skip grant of £398.
      * To confirm and authorise for payment the schedule of accounts dated 19th May.

9: Transport, Roads and Footpaths: Lengthsmens' visits: 23rd/24th June and 17th/18th November.
      * 34/04 - Avon Valley Footpath. * 36/04 - Nunton/Odstock Footpath.

10: Planning: Southern Area Committee meeting on 20th May at the City Hall.
      * To consider Application no. S/2004/1065 - CHANGE OF USE - TO DENTAL SURGERY - D1

11: Reports and Correspondence:
* WCC * SDC * Police * Local Agenda 21 * WALC * Community First.
      * To consider any other available correspondence.

12: Any other business.


This Annual meeting of ODSTOCK PARISH COUNCIL is on

WEDNESDAY, 19th MAY 2004

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present.

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